September 15, 2008

Merilino the Adventurer

A little midle-aged Adventurer. He looks a bit like Link.

Lineart: Flash
Colors: Photoshop


Un petit aventurier du moyen-age, ressemblant un-peu à Link.

Tracé: Flash
Couleurs: Photoshop


Boum said...

Mais un peu moins intelligent :D

Yahel TB said...

Mon dieu qu'il est beau!

Kim Gadbois said...

Super mignon!

Damjan MIhailov said...

cool stuff you got here :D

rose-a-petits-pois said...

Mignon !
En tout cas j'aime vraiment beaucoup le header de ton blog !!! Ils ont trop une bonne bouille tes persos ! :-)

Nunumi said...

Ahaah yé hot! On dirait la version "bully" de Link! :)

Tatevik Avakyan said...

He is such a great character! I absolutely love the style and all of the details that you put into his weapons and outfit.